Friday, March 30, 2007

Up and Running

Hello Everyone!

This is a new thing for me so bare with me a little bit. Anyways I just wanted to get a blog up and running so we can start talking about important issues. This is also being done so the students who could not participate at the Student Meeting can give some great ideas on what we should do to show more involvement in the activity we all love.

Once again I do apologize for everyone who could not attend the meetings and hope that by having this blog you all can still have a voice and we can all better tend to your needs and concerns.

One last thing I made a post on about the updates from the meeting that you all should read and we really need to find out who the student regional reps are as well as maybe electing them if your region doesn't have a student regional rep.

Candice Moore


Alfred Charles Snider said...

Good idea. I look forward to important issues being presented.
-Tuna aka Alfred Snider
University of Vermont

Unknown said...

I like the democracy promotion topic....I talked to Justin Green about it and was convinced. The case areas would be wide open along with ample critical literature. Some of the other topic areas would be discussed within this area as well-Middle East and Weapons Prolif would be advantage areas in some cases. Also-if we could avoid a list topic this year, that would be nice and if the topic has to be a list topic-I think that they should be themed/all similar-the Europe and Supreme Court topics were too disjointed.